Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Crime Scene - Homicide

After just facing a loss at a champion tennis game at Wimbledon, Mike Kelly became a raging bull, all of his anger toward his opponent and new tennis champ Lizzy Fair. After to leaving a bar at one in the morning, Mike Kelly drove his drunken self to Lizzy Fair's house. He drove up onto her yard, grabed his tennis racket which was conveintly located in the back seat of his car. Kelly got out of the car just as it started raining, drenching Kelly and causing him to splash through mud untill he reached her front door. As Kelly breaks into the house Fair's dog attacks, but Kelly tricked the dog into running into a bag. After throwing the dog into his truck, Kelly reentered the house and found Fair, who hed fallen asleep on the couch. As Kelly was making his way over to Fair, her tripped over a dog toy and fell, cutting his head on the edge of the coffee table. The thud woke Fair, she was starlled and attepmting to run away but i was to late. Kelly had already gotten to her and strted to beat her with his tennis racket with all of his strength. She tried to fight back but Kelly had cornered away from any weapon she could have used. He finished his job, left everyting as is and left. Kelly was found the next morning asleep on a substation floor.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Blood Typing

1.Major Types of Blood:
-A : have A antigens on your red blood cells
-B: have B antigens on your red blood cells
-AB : have both A and B antigens on your red blood cells
-O : Have no antigens on your red blood cells
2. Ability:
-A: can give to A and AB; can recieve from A and O
-B: can give to A and AB; can recieve from B and O
-AB: can give to AB; can recieve from A, B, AB, and O
-O: can give to A, B, AB, and O; can receive from O
3. Positive and Negitive:
-Positive: does have Rh antibodies naturally in the blood plasma
-Negitive: does not have Rh antibodies naturally in the blood plasma; but can develop them from a blood transfusion

Monday, August 31, 2009

Hair and Fiber

Techniques Used to ID hair and fiber:


-Chemical Assys: this process is used to identify substances which are in the body or not in the body

-The Root: the root of the hair is usually used for DNA testing

-Microscope: under a microscope close identifications can be made

Parts of the Hair:

-The Cuticle: this part of the hair is the outermost, we can look at this part and decide what kind of hair it is

-The Cortex: this part of the hair surrounds the medulla and makes up most of the weight of the air

-The Medulla: this is the most inner part of the hair

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Hirtory- At the beginnig of the 19th centry Lavater, Edouard Hocquart, and Abbe Flandrin began the art of interpreting handwriting. This study made the media quite hyped up. But it wasnt untill Micon came around and really took to heart the study of handwriting. Including te strokes, letters, words, angles, all of the aspctes of handwrinting.

Why Do Forensic investagators have trouble using handwriting analysis techniques? I think that the reason forensic investigators have trouble using handwriting analysis techniques is when you are trying to trace a forger, and their handwriting looks exactly like someone elses.

What do forensic scientist look for when analyzing andwriting?
1. Line Quality
2. Spacing of Words and Letters
3. Ration of Height, Width, and Size of Letters
4. Lifting Pen
5. Connecting Strokes
6. Strokes to Begin and End
7. Unusual Letter Formation
8. Pen Pressure
9. Slant
10. Baseline Habits
11. Fancy Writing Habits
12. Placement of Diacritics

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Fingerprints serve as an unfaultable way of identification. Especially in crime, fingerprinting has been the number one source of traceable evidence. They have served governments worldwide for the past 100 years providing the accurate identification of criminals. And even all of this time not two fingerprints have been found to be the same...even on twins, and because of this aspect that is why fingerprints are used as the main source of identification and evidence.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ancient Fingerpinting

Fingerpinting identification has been used in China since the T'ang Dynasty, and Japan since the 8th century. But before the crime identification came in, a thumbprint would subsitute for a signature. In accient Babylon figerorints were used on clay tablets for business transactions. The rumor is that a murder in ancient Rome was the first crime to use fingerprinting as a way to identify the killer.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Middle Ages

1686- A pofessor in Bologna, Italy named Marcello Malpighi recordedd the similarities between spirals, loops and ridges in fingerprints. In favor for Malpighi, a layer of skin which is 1.88mm thick named after him.
1823- Johannes Evengelista Purkinjie; a proffessor at the University of Breslau, Prussia documented the nine different patterns of fingerprints.
1892- Galton wrote a book named "Fingerprints" which was the first book published that deeply described all about fingerprints. He identified the three types of fingerprints being Arches, Loops, and Whorls.
1892- Due to Galton's book "Fingerprints" a police official Juan Vucetich was the first to keep fingerprints on file. Because of Vucetich keeping file, he made the first arrest based on identification of fingerprints.