Sunday, August 30, 2009


Hirtory- At the beginnig of the 19th centry Lavater, Edouard Hocquart, and Abbe Flandrin began the art of interpreting handwriting. This study made the media quite hyped up. But it wasnt untill Micon came around and really took to heart the study of handwriting. Including te strokes, letters, words, angles, all of the aspctes of handwrinting.

Why Do Forensic investagators have trouble using handwriting analysis techniques? I think that the reason forensic investigators have trouble using handwriting analysis techniques is when you are trying to trace a forger, and their handwriting looks exactly like someone elses.

What do forensic scientist look for when analyzing andwriting?
1. Line Quality
2. Spacing of Words and Letters
3. Ration of Height, Width, and Size of Letters
4. Lifting Pen
5. Connecting Strokes
6. Strokes to Begin and End
7. Unusual Letter Formation
8. Pen Pressure
9. Slant
10. Baseline Habits
11. Fancy Writing Habits
12. Placement of Diacritics

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