Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Blood Typing

1.Major Types of Blood:
-A : have A antigens on your red blood cells
-B: have B antigens on your red blood cells
-AB : have both A and B antigens on your red blood cells
-O : Have no antigens on your red blood cells
2. Ability:
-A: can give to A and AB; can recieve from A and O
-B: can give to A and AB; can recieve from B and O
-AB: can give to AB; can recieve from A, B, AB, and O
-O: can give to A, B, AB, and O; can receive from O
3. Positive and Negitive:
-Positive: does have Rh antibodies naturally in the blood plasma
-Negitive: does not have Rh antibodies naturally in the blood plasma; but can develop them from a blood transfusion

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